
Labs Redefines How the World Connects

About Us

Labs is at the forefront of transforming the digital landscape. As a pivotal part of Project Liberty initiated by McCourt Global, we are committed to empowering creators to innovate within the realm of social applications. Our mission harnesses cutting-edge technology to build essential infrastructure for the next evolution of digital interaction.

Empowering Connections

Our goal at Labs is simple: Revolutionize how we interact online by creating user-centric platforms. From creating the cutting-edge Frequency blockchain to developing the Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP), we're putting control back into the hands of the users.

About Us

A Future of Transparent Networking

Imagine a digital world where social networking seamlessly integrates into the internet itself, granting freedom and unmatched transparency. At Labs, this vision is becoming a reality.

A Future of Transparent Networking

Real-World Impact

  • MeWe Integration: Our collaboration with MeWe, known for its commitment to privacy, utilizes the Frequency blockchain to enhance user control and data security, reflecting our shared values of privacy and empowerment.
  • Acquisition of Speakeasy: The integration of Speakeasy’s AI technologies advances our ability to improve digital discourse, making online interactions more respectful, engaging, and insightful.

Meet the Team

  • Braxton Woodham, President and Co-creator of DSNP: Braxton's leadership focuses on integrating innovative technologies to enhance user interactions on digital platforms.
  • Harry Evans, CTO and Co-creator of DSNP: Harry directs our technology strategies, prioritizing safety and transparency in the digital space.
  • Mickey Maher, Chief Business Officer: Mickey forges partnerships that amplify our technological impact.
  • Chris Mitchell, General Counsel: Chris ensures the compliance of our work with regulations and standards,.
  • Kenne Ives, Head of Product: Kenne steers product development, aligning our innovations with user needs.
  • Denise Duncan, Head of Program Management: Denise guarantees the timely and successful delivery of our projects.
  • Scott Bendar, Head of Software Development: Scott leads the development of robust and scalable social networking solutions.

Contact us

Got questions or ideas? We’d love to hear from you!

At Labs, we are more than just a technology company; we are innovators, builders, and visionaries dedicated to creating a more connected and user-empowered world. Join us on this exciting journey to redefine what's possible in social networking.

Connect with us at or follow our journey on Linkedin and Twitter

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